CD Data : Kumpulan Buku Elektronik [E-book] Seni Bela Diri Aikido
Berisi Data Buku Elektronik [e-book] Seputar Seni Bela Diri Aikido
Disusun oleh : Robaga Gutama Simanjuntak | RGS Dojo | 2 Februari 2018
Harga Rp. 90.000,- | tidak termaksud ongkos kirim [TIKI].
Untuk pemesanan silahkan diajukan melalui W.a. : 0815-1177-1888
Daftar Isi :
1. Antara Bahasa Jiwa & Norma Keselarasan | Jozef Poetiray.
2. Artikel Aikido Awal | Badan Pengurus Pusat Yayasan Indonesia Aikikai.
3. Traditional Aikido Vol. 1, First Printing | Morihiro Saito 8Th. Dan | 1973.
4. Traditional Aikido, Vol. 2, First Printing | Morihiro Saito 8Th. Dan | 1973.
5. Traditional Aikido, Vol. 3, First Printing | Morihiro Saito 8Th. Dan | 1974.
6. Aikido and The Dynamic Sphere [Ebook Scan : Copy : Hitam Putih] | A. Westbrook and O. Ratti | 357 Halaman | 1977.
7. Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere | An Illustrated Introduction | A. Westbrook & O. Ratti | 1977.
8. Aikido : The Co-ordination of Mind and Body For Self-defense | By Koichi Tohei | Reprinted 1982| 1982.
9. Koretoshi Maruyama - Aikido With Ki | [Supervised by Koichi Tohei] | 1984.
10. Best Aikido - The Fundamentals - Kisshomaru Ueshiba & Moriteru Ueshiba, Translate by John Stevens | 1997.
11. Buletin Aikikai Foundation | Aikido World Headquaters| 1997.
12. Indonesia Aikikai News | Artikel 25 November | 1999.
13. The Power Of Change | Robert Felix | 2002.
14. The Art Of Aikido | Principles and Essential Techniques | Kisshomaru Ueshiba| 2004.
15. 13 Aturan Untuk Para Instruktur dan Yudansha Aikido | Jozef Izaak Poetiray | 2006.
16. Kurikulum Pelatihan dan Sistem Tingkatan Kyu di "Yayasan Indonesia Aikikai" | Jozef Izaak Poetiray | 2006.
17. Rencana Pelatihan Aikido | Ir. Jozef Poetiray | Indonesia Aikikai | 2006.